Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Reflection on "A Six-Point Checklist for Education Innovators"

I was reading and thinking how the six points she lists match up with my actions and thoughts.

First, "Am I action oriented?". Yes, when I want to learn something new, I create a plan to make it happen and then follow through with that plan. Some examples are ACT data, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and common core assessments - all three of these areas were professional development that I attended last year and that informed my actions and changes to my classroom last year and in the year to come.

Second, "Do I know how to network?" I am not exactly sure what got be first involved with the Flipped Classroom NING, but it definitely got me more involved with networking with like minded educators that are increasing their Personal Learning Network to include other passionate, innovative educators. Now I am using Twitter more to actually "converse" with others who are doing the things I am or want to do. It is great to connect and communicate through networking. I have always enjoyed sharing what I know and gleaning from those around me.

Third, "Am I willing to take risks?" Yes, I have been challenging policies that limit my students abilities to use personal electronic devices to extend their education. I read about new things and then I pilot them in my classes and I use what works to make the new things work for me and my students.

Fourth, "Can I look ahead?" Yes, I think I am able to look at something new and see where it may lead my students and me to be better learners.  I look at the idea of a paperless society by using google docs - now I am probably a year or two behind on adoption of google docs, but now that I am using it, I can definitely see new and interesting ways to implement it.

Fifth, "Can I overcome obstacles?" I think I have done that again and again.  It is the theory I had from college when people looked at my studying of chemistry and math and said "Oh you must be so smart."  My response, "No, probably not, but I am willing to bang my head against the wall a little while longer to figure something out."  I persevered until the obstacle was overcome through reaching out to others if I needed help or just figuring it out myself.

Sixth, "Do I help good ideas grow?" Yes, I think I am an early adopter and I share with others where I can collaborate and feed off of the work that we are all doing to use the good ideas we have. I think blogging and video casting are ways that I can help others get into what I am thinking and doing so good ideas can grow.

I like to innovate in my classroom.  Now to collaborate and share this innovation with others.

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