Friday, February 22, 2013

Things 8-14 Capstone Project: Using Digital Images with Right Triangle Real World Applications

Helping students connect with non-linguistic representations of the sometimes abstract concepts in math is my goal. I would like to use digital photos as a way for students to summarize what they have learned, identify similarities and differences, and generate and test hypothesis about right triangles. With today's electronic devices that so many students have, I want to have them do a cooperative project where they use photos and information about the photo or video to create story problems for math. Using technology like cameras, cell phones, smart phones, and tablets with photography capabilities, I can help students connect the technology they already own with real world contexts and hopefully will be generalizable to later learning.

Right Triangle Real World Applications

Students will use photos of real world applications of right triangles to determine lengths of the legs or hypotenuse or the angle measure of the incline or decline. Create digital images that connect mathematics with real life.

Students have been introduced to the Pythagorean theorem and fundamental trigonometric identities of sine, cosine, and tangent. This lesson will allow students to connect their knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry in order to find find unknowns involving right triangles. Real life applications of right triangles are used in construction, manufacturing, quilt design, home improvements, land surveying, and other areas.

Standards Used:

NETS-S: 1a, b, c; 2a, b, d; 3a, b, c, d; 4a, b, c, d; 5b, c


Digital camera, presentation software, clinometer, trundle wheel or measuring tape

Students will create a project that contains 20 real life photos of right triangles. Students will use a clinometer and trundle wheel or measuring tape to measure the triangle leg lengths and/or angle of inclination or declination. Students will create story problems that use the photos and real world information. Students will create triangle overlays on the real life pictures.  Students will create worked examples to accompany their initial picture and overlay.  These story problems and photos will be used by other students to understand the Pythagorean theorem and sine, cosine, and tangent. Students will create a presentation using Prezi or another presentation software package to show their photos to the class. Students will share their presentations on the class website so that students in other schools can make use of them.

Students will work through a presentation of another group in the classroom. They will compare their worked answers with the creators worked examples.

Students will critique the presentation using the attached rubric. Students will make adjustments to their presentations based on classmates critiques. The teacher will critique the presentation after final edits are completed.



How to make a clinometer:

Outdoor learning idea:

Pages about triangle applications:

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