is so important in the classroom. Skype provides a great way to bring
in experts to talk to my students even when they can’t take off a day to
visit. The first thing I would like to do is schedule some alumni to
speak with my current seniors about what college is like and what our
seniors should consider before starting their first classes in the fall
after graduating.
have enjoyed backchanneling at a couple of educational conferences this
summer. It was nice to read what others were thinking as we listened to
the same speaker. The backchanneling gave me ideas of how to use the
new things that I was learning and helped me to connect with other
educators who were thinking the same way I was. On twitter I follow
several different math teachers, guidance counselors, and science
teachers. I like to use my “favorites” on twitter as new entries into my
diigo so I can remember the pithy things that professionals say.
I consider how to best use skype and twitter, teaching students to use
these resources in a way that they will be proud of if a future college
admissions officer, future employer, or a grandparent were to read or
see their interactions is key. I would really like to have a human
resources person give a presentation to my students about the best uses
of social media communication tools because my students don’t understand
that what they post now could be used for or against them when they
apply to college or to a new job. Using twitter would be an excellent
teaching tool because it gives students that are afraid to talk an
avenue to speak up through the typewritten word. Using skype would allow
me to engage students with a experts in different areas and I could
potentially meet with a group of students to go over questions on a
homework assignment outside of a school day.
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