2008 Instructional Coaching Conference with Jim Knight: An Overview of Instructional Coaching
Four Big Goals for areas of growth through coaching
1. classroom management
2. content planning
3. instruction
4. assessment for learning
#1 Time - need to spend more time coaching, rather than other things
Negotiate how my time will be spent with Mrs. Fuchs
Big Rocks First!
Think about roles and projects within those roles in a word document
Have a ritual of when we actually sit down to think about these roles and projects
Unfortunately this doesn't work, you have to cut something out in order to really do what is necessary. I have to learn how to say NO!
book "power of the positive NO!"
"I have to say no because I have made a commitment to something that is more important to me."
#2 Relationships
Affirmations - find a way that you can connect with them. Go into the situation expecting the good in someone.
Look for common denominators. Avoid common dividers.
Align yourself emotionally to connect, rather than judge when someone is hot from an issue.
#3 Walk-throughs
Must be tied to specific teaching practice
internal commitment precedes external commitment.
#4 Workshops
They make a difference even when there are people who get annoyed by them. It introduces things that are being introduced. Must have supported professional learning afterward.
Use practice, not just theory in th workshop.
#5 Reflection
They must have autonomy - someone else cannot do the thinking for other teachers. Teachers will resist this.
Reflection is having the chance to say NO!
#6 Trust
credibililty plus reliability plus intimacy (feel comfortable talking to them) divided by self-focus (the more it is about the other person or their students and the less it is about me, the better)
#7 Experience
People are not persuaded by talk ( the water pump story).
Want to try this out for yourself and then see what you want to use. Set up an experience for them to experiment for themselves and then they will be persuaded.
#8 Evaluating coaching programs.
#9 Teaching Practices
#10 Community
Teachers do not generally come to a workshop excited about professional learning. Conduct one to one interviews before whole group workshops. Some people are better not to be at the workshop because they would be destructive to the team.
Coaches are used to build the cohesiveness between teachers who come to the workshops with support to teachers after the workshop.
Intensive learning teams focused on practical teaching moves things forward.
A coach can't hold teachers accountable and provide support - it will backfire.
Don't keep meeting with people who don't want coaching support. It won't help the most kids by doing that.